The foundation of “Built for Others” is the belief that we are at our best only when we are committed to see and encourage the best in others. Great leaders give the most of themselves in order to bring out the most in others. Therefore, true leadership demands service and a willingness to put others ahead of self. In a culture that often values reward over relationship and teaches us to lift ourselves up, “Built for Others” seeks to model and teach humility, selflessness, character, and personal growth. It is only through consistently giving our best effort that we are able to unlock our full potential, so “Built for Others” is not about specific accomplishments or awards, but pursuing excellence in all aspects of life.
We are able to award scholarships as well as hold events featuring a key-note speaker. We provide copies of the book, Seasons of Life, to each family that welcomes a new child at Lakes Regional Health Care. We hope these efforts teach and model the best ideals of leadership.
We host a golf tournament outing each year to promote and recognize what being “Built for Others” means and we could not do it without so much generous support. Thank you to all who participate and your ongoing interest in instilling servant leadership in students, homes, businesses, and communities.
Built For Others provides copies of the book, Seasons of Life, to each family that welcomes a new child at Lakes Regional Health Care. The bestselling inspirational book in which the author reunites with a childhood football hero, now a minister and coach, and witnesses a revelatory demonstration of the true meaning of manhood. Jeffrey Marx won a Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting. He has written for numerous publications, including Sports Illustrated, Newsweek, Time, and The Washington Post.

Each year Built For Others hosts an annual fundraiser. The day consists of a provided lunch and a day of golfing and fun. The money raised by this golf tournament allows us to promote and recognize what being “Built For Others” means and we could not do it without so much generous support.
To learn more or to participate in the golf outing, click here.
Each year Built for Others hosts an event featuring a keynote speaker to provide students with an enlightened outlook on life. Watch our featured keynote speakers here.

Great leaders give the most of themselves in order to bring out the most in others. In a culture that often values reward over relationship and teaches us to lift ourselves up, Built for Others seeks to model and teach humility, selflessness, character and personal growth. It is only through consistently giving our best effort that we are able to unlock our full potential. Funds for the scholarship are raised through an annual community golf outing.
Built For Others has been able to support and create a 3 week “Leadership and Service” class as a part of Spirit Lake High School’s Life Skills Academy by purchasing all books and curriculum needed for that class.